From Undecided to Decided

By Pr. Junifer Colegado, Condensed by Pr Roxie Pido

I had a truly wonderful experience as a minister of Jesus Christ when Pastors Teves and Visto invited me to preach at The Power of One Camp's culmination program in Bangkal, Roxas, Pangantucan, Bukidnon. They informed me that many undecided campers attended the event.

As the program began, I whispered a prayer to the Lord, asking Him to empower me as I delivered my message and made an appeal to the campers. While preaching, I maintained constant communication with God, seeking His guidance to reach the hearts of those hesitant to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. As I drew my sermon to a close and prepared to extend the invitation, I noticed that no one initially stood up for baptism. I asked those not yet baptized to raise their hands, and only a few did. It was clear that they were hesitant to make a decision. I called forward both those who were already baptized and those still on the fence, praying earnestly for each of them. 

After the program, I approached two young ladies who had shown interest but seemed reluctant to commit. They were seated in the front row, and I asked them about their doubts. They shared their reasons for being undecided. I encouraged them by saying that if they chose to accept Jesus before I left the venue, I would be the one to baptize them. As we talked, I kept praying for God’s guidance for these two precious souls. Just then, Elder Maratas, the ASI cluster president, approached me to witness the baptism of three young people who had decided to follow Jesus. We made our way to the river, where I saw three boys ready for baptism, but I couldn’t find the two young ladies I had spoken with earlier. After baptizing the three boys, we returned to the church for lunch.

On the way, I spotted one of the young ladies I had talked to. She excitedly told me she had made the decision to be baptized, and I joyfully officiated her baptism. Though I had to borrow a baptismal robe from Pastor Teves, I was thrilled to witness her accept Jesus. I then noticed her friend nearby, watching the baptism. I asked her if she had also decided to be baptized, but she shook her head, indicating no. After offering a prayer for her newly baptized friend, I approached her again to find out her final decision. Encouragingly, she finally agreed, and I returned to the river a second time to conduct the baptismal rites. My heart was full of emotion as I witnessed the Lord’s guidance in this process, and I am incredibly grateful that He called these two young ladies to accept His salvation, along with others who made the same decision.

This experience marked the first time I made a promise to officiate a baptism without bringing any extra clothes, yet I felt God's empowerment through the Holy Spirit. I believe that God has countless ways to call His people into His Kingdom. He can turn the undecided into the decided when He reaches out to them. All the glory and honor belong to Him. To God be the glory!