

The office of the president provides general, spiritual and administrative guidance for the South Philippine Union Conference office and all of its subsidiary organizational units and institutions. Providing overall leadership for the union, he serves as chair of the Administrative Committee, Executive Committee, and the institutional boards on regular called for meetings.

Executive Secretary

The Secretariat Office oversees policy development, implementation, and interpretation; preparation and dissemination of committee agendas and actions; and preparation and preservation of committee minutes. While the Executive Secretary is responsible for all office files and records including active and inactive workers’ records which are all stored in the archives facility, his office also takes care of the Human Resource Development of the union.


The office of the Treasurer oversees the financial affairs of the South Philippine Union Conference. A keen observer to changing church financial trends, the union treasurer not only takes care of the Lord’s property and money, but also looks for opportunities to spend it for missions to save souls, for whose value heaven places the highest regard.

Associate Treasurer

The office of the associate treasurer works as the alter ego of the union treasurer. He also takes care of the accounts and affairs of the organizational retirees.

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Our Beliefs

Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.