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The official newsletter of the South Philippine Union Conference the Seventh-day Adventist church


SWPUC President Elder Jerry Patalinghug Leads Prime Time Meeting for 2024 Departmental Events with Emphasis on Transparent and Missional Collaboration

January 9-10, 2024 - In a prime time meeting held by the South Western Philippine Union Conference (SWPUC), departmental events for the year 2024 were carefully sketched and synchronized. The meeting was attended by all Department Directors and officers under the leadership of President Jerry Patalinghug, who was recently elected as the head of SWPUC.

Over the course of the two-day meeting, President Patalinghug, quoting Col.3:23 consistently emphasized the principle that all laborers are "working for the Lord and not for men," fostering an environment where individuals felt encouraged to ask questions and provide critique during discussions without fear of judgment or shame. Important of all, “Do the best you can for the Lord,” he explained. This mindset reflects the conference's commitment to transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement in their endeavors to serve and advance the mission of the church.

By Roxie Joy Pido
SWPUC Com.Dept.

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Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.