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The official newsletter of the South Philippine Union Conference the Seventh-day Adventist church


Caravan for Mission 2024 brought over 1,000 souls to Christ through Baptism

The union-wide initiative Caravan for Mission 2024 carried the transformative message of the Gospel to 24 venues across the Zamboanga Peninsula Mission (ZPM) territory through nightly evangelistic meetings. The Caravan shared messages of hope, healing, and salvation, reaching thousands in communities across the region.

Organized and led by local districts and church care groups, with the support of ZPM administrators and directors, each evening was filled with heartfelt songs and inspiring messages from dedicated leaders within various missions and conferences under the Southwestern Philippine Union Conference (SwPUC). These servants of God brought the message of the blessed hope found in Christ, reaching hearts across communities. The Caravan began on November 3 and concluded on November 9 with a powerful baptismal service. A total of 1,147 individuals made the life-changing decision to accept Christ as their Savior.

In an exclusive interview, Pastor Jerry Patalinghug, President of SwPUC, shared insights into the purpose of the Caravan for Mission. “The reason for this is clear: Jesus is coming soon, and we need to share the good news of His salvation,” Pastor Patalinghug explained. “What makes this Caravan unique is the active participation of administrators from different missions and conferences within the Southwestern Philippine Union Conference. They not only shared the Word within their areas but also reached beyond, covering multiple regions across the Union.”

When asked about the approach for the Caravan, Pastor Klenjay Sajulga, ZPM NDR-IEL director, emphasized the importance of thorough preparation, stating, “Preparation is one of the essential tools for achieving success.” He explained that each district used various methods, mobilizing care group ministries, leaders, lay Bible workers, and church members. Through their prayerful dedication and enthusiastic involvement, the church was able to connect with many people. “The active participation of the church and its members, alongside God’s immense grace, led to this abundant harvest of precious souls,” he said.

The President of Zamboanga Peninsula Mission expressed deep gratitude, giving glory to the Lord for the success of the Caravan. He thanked everyone who contributed to the event, particularly acknowledging Pastor Jerry Patalinghug for leading the initiative and inspiring participation among administrators. “To all preachers, church leaders, district pastors, care group leaders, church members, guest speakers, and everyone involved—let us keep pressing forward in sharing the good news of salvation, giving all praise and gratitude to our Lord,” he said.

The call to actively share the three angels’ message and prepare souls for Christ’s return remains the ultimate goal and continuous mission of the church. As Pastor Patalinghug said“We share the blessed hope to this hopeless world, for we know we are merely strangers here. Our true home is in heaven, and our ultimate goal is to live in harmony with God.”

Sandra Day Batobalunos
Hope Channel
Zamboanga Peninsula Mission

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