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The official newsletter of the South Philippine Union Conference the Seventh-day Adventist church


SwPUC Master Guides strengthen leadership and faith at 'Rebuild the Altar' Convention in Malaysia

SwPUC Master Guides strengthen leadership and faith at Rebuild the Altar Convention in Malaysia

Twenty-seven Master Guides from SwPUC joined the SSD-Wide Master Guide Convention, themed "Rebuild the Altar," in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia from October 3-7, 2024. The convention aimed to help MGs grow in their faith, improve their leadership skills, strengthen Master Guide Clubs in SSD, take part in evangelism, especially through the Voice of Youth (VOY), build unity, and support Junior Youth Ministries in SSD.

With its theme, the event drew inspiration from Elijah, who rebuilt the broken altar of the Lord in Israel (1 Kings 18:30). This powerful image shaped the mission—to guide Master Guides in restoring their personal spiritual lives and, in turn, help rebuild the faith of Adventurers, Pathfinders, fellow MGs, and the young people they lead.

One of the event's speaker, SwPUC Youth Ministries Director Pr. Junifer C. Colegado reminded the Master Guides that they are not only leaders but also missionaries tasked with raising the next generation of faithful young disciples. He encouraged all MGs to participate in evangelistic efforts and continue nurturing the youth in their communities.

Throughout the entire event, delegates attended various breakout sessions that covered topics such as leadership, disaster preparedness, child protection, and the integration of technology, like AI, to enhance Junior Youth Ministry. 

“I was amazed by the message on community-based Pathfinder Clubs. I realized I need to establish one in my own community," said Master Guide Elmer Omandam Jr., the SwPUC Union Youth Coordinator for Pathfinder Ministry. 

Another Master Guide Ed Hipega shared, “Hearing the inspiring messages and learning new strategies for Junior Youth Ministry has empowered me to bring these programs back to our church and community.”  

The convention also provided ample time for fellowship, where MGs from different countries exchanged experiences, shared meals, and prayed together. For many, it was an opportunity to connect on a deeper level with their counterparts from other regions, further unifying the global Adventist Youth Ministry.  

"One of the most memorable moments was the shared passion for leadership development," commented Bell Rey Pondara, a Master Guides and the SwPUC Union Youth Coordinator for Master Guide Ministry. 

Master Guide Roen Shane Ramonal, the SwPUC Union Youth Coordinator for Prayer Network, shared how the convention transformed his personal prayer life, stating, “This convention reminded me of the power of intercession. As Master Guides, we are not just leaders but prayer warriors for our youth, standing in the gap for them as Elijah did for Israel.”